- Name: South East Academy of Martial Arts
- Style/s: Eclectic
- Head Instructor: Domenic Amato
- Address: 663 Centre Road
- Email: mail@seacademy.com.au
- Phone: 0404 830 055
- Website: http://www.seacademy.com.au/home.htm
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/South-East-Academy-of-Martial-Arts-120270801414165/
- Name: Qian Li Dao Academy
- Style/s: Kung Fu
- Head Instructor: Dana Wong
- Address: Classes in Werribee/Hoppers Crossing and Bentleigh (see website)
- Email: info@qianlidao.com.au
- Phone: (03) 9731 1789
- Website: http://www.qianlidao.com.au/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Qian-Li-Dao-Academy-126489627427564/
- Name: The Taiji Centre
- Style/s: Tai Chi
- Head Instructor: Julie Lucas
- Address: PO Box 9
- Suburb: MORWELL
- Email: julie@thetaijicentre.com.au
- Phone: (03) 5122 2588
- Website: https://thetaijicentre.com.au/
- Facebook:
- Name: Freestyle Combat/Defentech
- Style/s: Eclectic
- Head Instructor: Mick Nicholls
- Address: 514 Mt Dandenong Road
- Suburb: KILSYTH
- Email: info@freestylecombat.com.au
- Phone: 0418 990 206
- Website: https://www.freestylecombat.com.au/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FreestyleCombat/
- Name: Tai Chi Kung Fu Institute
- Style/s: Wushu / Taiji
- Head Instructor: Shao Zhao Ming
- Address: 783 Warrigal Road
- Suburb: OAKLEIGH
- Email: taichikungfu31@gmail.com
- Phone: (03) 9569 0881
- Website: https://www.taichi-kungfu.com/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Tai-Chi-Kung-Fu-Institute-125289267521439/
- Name: Bushido Freestyle Martial Arts Inc
- Style/s: Bushido
- Head Instructor: Stephen Marazzi
- Address: 304/50-56 High Street
- Suburb: PRESTON
- Email: info@bushidofma.com.au
- Phone: 0417 323 669
- Website:http://www.bushidofma.com.au/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bacchusbushido/
- Name: Golden Lion Academy
- Style/s: Kung Fu / Tai Chi
- Head Instructor: Charles Tsui-Po
- Address: 29 Intrepid Street
- Suburb: BERWICK
- Email: charles@goldenlion.com.au
- Phone: (03) 9796 1066
- Website: http://www.goldenlion.com.au/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GoldenLionAcademyAustralia/
- Name: Ving Tsun Combat Science
- Style/s: Kung Fu
- Head Instructor: Darren Elvey
- Address: 8 Robert Street
- Email: vingtsunkh@gmail.com
- Phone: 0405 156 807
- Website: http://www.wslwingchun.com/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GoldenLionAcademyAustralia/
- Name: Lifestyle Martial Arts
- Style/s: Kung Fu
- Head Instructor: Bruce Corles
- Address: 111 Lonsdale Street
- Email: asbm21@opusnet.com.au
- Phone: 0411 344 250
- Website: https://www.lifestylemartialarts.com.au/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Lifestyle-Martial-Arts-Australia-129016447111781/
- Name: Bayou Wing Chun
- Style/s: Kung Fu
- Head Instructor: Yacine Bayou
- Address: Suite 1/36 Joseph St, Blackburn North VIC 3130 & 1560 Malvern Rd, Glen Iris VIC 3146
- Suburb: Blackburn / Glen Iris
- Email: bayouwingchun@gmail.com
- Phone: 0413 834 954
- Website: http://bayouwingchun.com/contact/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Bayou-Wing-Chun-707464215996226/
- Name: Trident Martial Art Academy
- Style/s: Kung Fu
- Head Instructor: Craig Stewart
- Address: 119 Broadgully Road
- Email: craig@tridentacademy.com.au
- Phone: 03 9438 2504
- Website: https://www.tridentacademy.com.au/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TridentDefence/
- Name: Your Tai Chi
- Style/s: Tai Chi
- Head Instructor: Denise Applebee
- Address: PO Box 480
- Email: sanjiuba@netspace.net.au
- Phone: 0407 332 724
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Name: Penninsula Kung Fu
- Style/s: Wing Chun
- Head Instructor: Sarah Hanna
- Address: 1/2 Carbine Way
- Email: info@penninsulakungfu.com.au
- Phone: 0412 975 832
- Website: https://www.peninsulakungfu.com.au/
- Facebook:
- Name: Kung Fu Bendigo
- Style/s: Wing Chun
- Head Instructor: Nicholas Vassis
- Address: 26 Myers St
- Suburb: BENDIGO
- Email: sibaknick@kungfubendigo.com
- Phone: 0478 653 320
- Website: http://kungfubendigo.com/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/kungfubendigo/about/?ref=page_internal
- Name: Change Skill
- Style/s: Tai Chi
- Head Instructor: Phillip Brown
- Address: 10/14 Bell Street
- Suburb: COBURG
- Email: brown.philip.andrew@gmail.com
- Phone: 0458 980 289
- Website: https://www.changeskill.com/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChangeSkill
- Name: Cheng Ming Internal Martial Arts
- Style/s: Tai Chi Hsing-i
- Head Instructor: Richard Roberts
- Address: 1179 Yarragen – Leongatha Rd
- Suburb: ALLAMBEE
- Email: chengmingima@gmail.com
- Phone: 0407 841 617
- Website:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chengmingima/
- Name: AIM Academy
- Style/s: Kick Boxing, Muay Thai, Filipino Martial Arts
- Head Instructor: Kacey Chong
- Address: 17 Coleman Pde
- Email: info@aimacademy.com.au
- Phone: 0403 171 328
- Website: https://aimacademy.com.au/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aimacademy
- Name: Allstars Self Defence Centres
- Style/s: Freestyle Goju Karate
- Head Instructor: Marea Misitano
- Address: 10/236-262 East Boundary Rd
- Email: info@allstarsdefence.com.au
- Phone: 03 9579 0800
- Website: https://www.allstarsdefence.com.au/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/allstarsmartialarts
- Name: Art of Defence Australia
- Style/s: Ming Kung Fu, Goju Karate
- Head Instructor: Amelia Zarb
- Address: PO Box 1064 St
- Email: artofdefence@yahoo.com
- Phone: 0416 200 311
- Website: https://www.artofdefence.com.au/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/artofdefence.australia?ref=tn_tnmn
- Name: The Winged Dragon Martial & Healing Arts
- Style/s: Goju Ryu, MMA
- Head Instructor: Nandia Lazongas
- Address: YMCA 41-53 Epping St
- Suburb: EPPING
- Email: info@thewingeddragon.com.au
- Phone: 0423 222 881
- Website: https://www.thewingeddragon.com.au/
- Facebook:
- Name: Soaring Eagle Dojos
- Style/s: Maia Garu Washi Ryo Ninjutsu
- Head Instructor: Michael Parnell
- Address: 41-43 McLennen St
- Email: senseimykl@gmail.com
- Phone: 0402 351 711
- Website:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Soaring-Eagle-Dojos-204378329915263/?ref=page_internal
- Name: Wellbeing Martial Arts
- Style/s: Karate, Tai Chi, Kung Fu
- Head Instructor: Geoffery Jackson
- Address: 13 Yarck St
- Suburb: SUNBURY
- Email: geoff@wellbeingmartialarts.com.au
- Phone: 0419 599 206
- Website: https://www.wellbeingmartialarts.com.au/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wellbeingmartailarts?ref=aymt_homepage_panel
- Name: HIYC Club
- Style/s: Tai Chi
- Head Instructor: Mohamed Desouky
- Address: 14/1-5 Heversham Grove
- Email: desoukymohamed1@gmail.com
- Phone: 0422 778 944
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Name: Goulburn Valley Goju Ryu
- Style/s: Goju Ryu, MMA
- Head Instructor: Benjamin Ian Coates
- Address: Recreation Dr
- Suburb: KIALLA
- Email: gvgoju@gmail.com
- Phone: 0409 386 400
- Website:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Martial-Arts-School/Goulburn-Valley-Goju-Ryu-106113457657124/
- Name: Vic Combat Martial Arts
- Style/s: Kickboxing
- Head Instructor: Chung Yew Wai
- Address: 2 Grasslands Loop
- Email: chungyew@combatma.com.au
- Phone: 0412 139 988
- Website:
- Facebook: